1. Click on “Select none” to unselect ALL competitor hotels that are by default included in the graph.

2. Click (to select) hotels whose prices you want to view.

3. If you would like to compare rates against your hotel’s, also select “Our sell rate (From Channel)”.

4. The graph now shows your hotel’s rates and selected hotels’ rates only.

  • Click on “Select all” to reverse and re-select all properties again.

Note: The number of competitor hotels displayed on the Market Pricing page depends on your plan. With our full product, you can view up to 10 competitor hotels, selected by your revenue manager. Users of the MarketPulse product can view up to 3 competitor hotels. 

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Tags: Comparing, specific hotels, hotel comparison, compare, rate analysis, competitor analysis, pricing comparison, competitor hotels, hotel’s rates, prices, rates, graph, against, sell rate