Terms You Need to Know Before Using HMS!


  • HMS generates an internal confirmation ID for every room reservation. Since a booking can consist of multiple rooms, a single booking can have multiple ‘ZUZU room IDs’.

Channel Booking ID

  • This refers to the OTA confirmation ID. HMS appends a number at the back of this ID, based on number of rooms in the booking.


A 1-room booking from Agoda

ZUZU room ID: 65066191046811 // Channel booking ID: 376512241-01

A 2-room booking from Agoda

Room 1

ZUZU room ID: 65062296372540 // Channel booking ID: 370757337-01

Room 2

ZUZU room ID: 65062296372541 // Channel booking ID: 370757337-02


  • Name of travel agent or booking source + Type of guest payment (eg. Booking.comPostpay, TravelokaPrepay, HotelOfflinePrepay, HotelWalk-In).

Net Room Amount to Hotel

  • Amount (incl. taxes) hotel receives for the room sold after deducting all commissions.

Traveller Folio Directly Owed Balance

  • Amount traveller still owes to hotel eg. room charges (Postpay bookings), F&B charges, laundry charges.

Booking Types

Booking Status Types

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Tags: HMS glossary, booking terminology, ZUZU room ID, channel booking ID, channel, net room amount, net room amount to hotel, traveller folio, traveller folio directly owed balance, booking types, booking status types