Ratna is currently allocated to Standard Room 1.1, checking-in on 29 Jul and checking-out on 31 Jul (2 nights). In this exercise, we’ll learn how to:

  • Scenario 1: Reallocate the entire booking to Standard Room 1.3.
  • Scenario 2: Split booking between 2 rooms – guest to stay in Standard Room 1.1 on 29 Jul and in Room 1.3 on 30 Jul.

Scenario 1: Reallocate The Entire Booking to Standard Room 1.3

1. Click on the booking, drag it down the calendar from Room 1.1 to 1.3, and drop.

  • Bookings can only be moved vertically (up or down) in the calendar between rooms and room types, but not horizontally (left or right) since check-in/check-out dates cannot be changed through this action.

2. You will now be asked if the room reallocation should start from 29 Jul or 30 Jul since as is a 2-night stay. Since we are reallocating the entire booking, select 29 Jul.

3. Hit ”Yes”.

4. The booking has now been successfully reallocated to Standard Room 1.3.

Scenario 2: Split Booking between 2 Rooms – Guest to Stay in Standard Room 1.1 on 29 Jul and in Room 1.3 on 30 Jul

1. Click on the booking, drag it down the calendar from Room 1.1 to 1.3, and drop.

2. You will now be asked if the room reallocation should start from 29 Jul or 30 Jul as this is a 2-night stay. Since guest is moving to a different room only from the 2nd night, select 30 Jul.

3. Hit ”Yes”.

4. The booking has now been successfully split between Standard Room 1.1 and Room 1.3.

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Tags: Reallocate bookings, split bookings, scenarios, exercise, reallocate, split, bookings, check-in dates, check-out dates, rooms, room types, room reallocation, drag, drop