Availability” represents the number of rooms available for sale at the current moment. This number can be adjusted at the room type level, by date, in the Rooms Details view of the app. 

  1. Click into the date which you want to adjust the availability for. Click on the “+” or “-” buttons to adjust the number. 
  2. Click “Submit” to confirm your selection. 
  3. There will be an alert asking you to confirm your changes. Click “Yes”. 
  4. The Available rooms will be adjusted. 

Date selector 

Look for the “CHOOSE DATE” button located on the top right of both the Availability and Room Details pages. Clicking on it will bring up a calendar. Select the month that you want to navigate to by using the left and right arrows at the top of the calendar. 

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Tags: ZUZU Mobile app, availability tab, update availability in the app, number of rooms, change number of rooms, room details, adjust availability, available rooms, not available rooms, closed rooms, sold rooms, choose date, date selector, calendar